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Sample publications in progress and pre-order…..
Brand New Novel – One Bad Apple – Coming Soon!

In my exciting new novel, ‘One Bad Apple’, based on the Costa Del Sol in Southern Spain, we are introduced to a whole new set of characters from all sorts of backgrounds. However, McKenzie remains our central player and is pivotal for much of the action.
This time, interestingly, McKenzie has discovered his latent artist within himself and through the release of that is becoming rather famous. He has developed a style of portraiture that he enjoys and has begun to paint the kaleidoscope of characters that he has met during his adventurous life.
Two major issues put restrictions on McKenzie’s mysterious lifestyle; he cannot reveal the identity of many of his associates because of who they are in dark and seedy underworld of crime and terror and, perhaps even more importantly, he cannot compromise his position within CANT.
For this reason, despite his growing fame (and perhaps even contributing to it), McKenzie never makes an appearance at his exhibitions nor gives media interviews. In fact, no-one has ever seen McKenzie – not even a photograph and this makes him all the more attractive and desirable…..
See McKenzie’s paintings here: https://peterstanwaybooks.com/mckenzie-art/
Wee Boys from Glasgow Don’t Cry – Spanish Translation De la Muerte a la Vida

De la Muerte a la Vida es un desafío de la vida real, una historia en una montaña rusa de supervivencia y victoria.
Entre las tinieblas de las drogas y el alcohol, Peter cae en una espiral profunda hacia un desesperado estilo de vida sin barreras.
Huyendo con la mujer de otro hombre, está a punto de tropezar con una transformación extrema y muy personal.
Completamente abatido y derrotado, tras años de hedonismo, recibe un salvavidas de donde menos se lo esperaba. Cuando ya no le quedan más alternativas, Peter agarra la mano extendida de Cristo Jesús.
El poder de Dios le tira al suelo y cuando se levanta está totalmente transformado.
La verdadera aventura está a punto de comenzar….
11.99 EUR + P&P
Rev Publishing

Peter Stanway is delighted to announce his election to the post of Director of European Development with Rev Publishing. It is his aim to add many European authors to the Rev Media Portfolio….. contact us for more information
Free Publication
New Age Deception – a radical revelation that will prepare you for the End Times
New Age Deception

The fruit of deception is always division. New Age Deception has begun to invade the Christian church resulting in discord, disunity and division. Without a doubt, the spiritual gift needed most urgently among believers today is that of distinguishing between spirits (1 Corinthians 12:10), or discernment.
Matthew 24:23-24…. At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
In this passage Jesus is speaking about the coming of the end of the age. Note particularly the second part of this quote, ‘For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.’
How do we avoid deception? We avoid lies and anything to do with the darkness. Satan came as ‘an angel of light’ (2 Corinthians 11:14). He seemed quite attractive. He deceived Eve. He spoke words of doubt into her head and created division in her mind. Out of her deception she tempted Adam and man, conscious of his rebellion, sinned against God.…..
McKenzie’s Companion a Unique Christian Discipleship Course – ON SALE NOW!

My brand new book is available to buy now.
McKenzie’s Companion provides illuminating and life-changing insight into the word of God; nuggets of short, succinct, easy to apply principles into what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
McKenzie’s Companion, comes packaged with Who is McKenzie? Read together, this unique devotional course will give you a deeper insight into how scripture is applied in an everyday context.
McKenzie’s Companion will enrich and nourish your life by the power of God’s word and the Holy Spirit working together to lead you into a closer walk with Jesus….
McKenzie’s Companion (A Life Changing Journey with Jesus) is a collection of short, easy to read devotionals that can be read by Christians for personal edification or by curious non-Christians as an exploration of selected scriptures from the bible. Read together, the reader will discover the scriptural context of McKenzie’s scenarios and, hopefully, through that, will see how Jesus Christ can be relevant, if not essential, in their own lives.
Group or Individual Study
The chapters of both McKenzie books relate to each other; chapter one lines up with chapter one, chapter two with chapter two….and so on, in each book.
I have placed the three questions on a fresh page after each short devotional in McKenzie’s Companion (A Life Changing Journey with Jesus) leaving about one-third of the page blank under each question for the answers. In this way, the book will also become the workbook for group or individual study. There are some blank pages around the middle of the book for personal notes.
With fifty chapters, at one per week, the ‘course’ will take a year to complete (allowing for two weeks off).
Read what a top Christian book reviewer says: http://bit.ly/KZ9v7r
What others are saying……
Amazon Review of ‘McKenzie’s Companion’:
5.0 out of 5 stars
Part James Bond – Part St. Augustine 27 Oct 2012
By international77
“This is a fantastic book but I must correct something that the author wrote. In the foreword he states that, with 50 chapters, you can read one a week for a year. I don’t see how. I couldn’t put it down and read it in one go! It’s part James Bond and part The Confessions of St. Augustine and part the travels of the Apostle Paul. Thanks Peter for such a riveting read. Still thinking about it and pondering the lessons and stories in it.
I think the book is a classic! So well written and strategically done.”
Who is McKenzie?
Who is McKenzie? – on sale NOW!

Who is McKenzie? is a non-religious, de-jargonised outreach tool to give to your non-Christian friends and family……
In this introduction to the McKenzie series, we travel the globe and enter into the fascinating world of McKenzie.
Peter has written this book to reach those who are not Christians. In an intriguing and breath-taking diversity of adventures, the central character, McKenzie, goes through all kinds of spiritual and emotional experiences; some amazingly good, others frighteningly bad.
Page by page we are captivated and left feeling hungry for more. Not only are we questioning what will happen to McKenzie but we are faced with the same life-changing questions that we ourselves must answer……
The compelling and mysterious McKenzie stories will appeal to a wide range of people (Christians and non-Christians) from diverse cultures and countries.
Everyone will identify in some way with him, but just who is McKenzie?
On Sale NOW! – Wee Boys from Glasgow Don’t Cry
Thank you for the tremendous interest in the book of Peter Stanway’s amazing life story; Wee Boys from Glasgow Don’t Cry.
The book is available wherever and however books are sold NOW
Bookstores may ask for an ISBN reference (use both numbers):
Watch the Book Trailer for Wee Boys from Glasgow Don’t Cry here: http://youtu.be/SI51MRJDYr4
and listen to recent Radio Interviews here: https://peterstanwaybooks.com/wee-boys/
You can now visit your favourite ONLINE book retailer and purchase Wee Boys from Glasgow Don’t Cry directly from them.
Of course, you can still purchase Wee Boys from Glasgow Don’t Cry directly from us: click here
Below are some of the other online sites from which you can purchase your copy of Wee Boys from Glasgow Don’t Cry. Click on the name of the seller you want to order from……